Student Handbook
Please also refer to the District Policies Regarding Behavior
24-25 Student Handbook
- Vision and Mission
- Attendance
- Behavior Supports
- Dress Code
- Electronic Devices and Internet Usage
- Lockers
- After School Activities and Athletics
- AI Agreements
Vision and Mission
A Community Educating Inspired Learners
The Berry Creek Middle School community believes our mission is to teach students how to learn, to prepare each student to achieve at their highest levels, and to prepare each student to contribute in the broadest sense to the betterment of the school community as well as to the community-at-large.
The Berry Creek Middle School community has identified the following learning expectations for all students:
Academic competencies:
to demonstrate P.R.I.D.E. and Essential Skills throughout the school day
to be independent learners who take ownership of their learning
to be effective communicators in writing and speaking for a variety of purposes,
to be critical and analytical readers,
to be capable problem-solvers, and analyzers
to be ethical, discerning, and able retrievers and users of information and technology
to be persons who are globally aware and culturally competent
Civic and Social competencies:
to demonstrate P.R.I.D.E at all school and community functions
to be culturally competent: Be aware of one's own world view. develop positive attitudes towards cultural differences and gain knowledge of different cultural practices and world views in order to appreciate, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures.
to be individuals who make healthy decisions about lifestyles and future endeavors.
Students who have consistent and regular attendance do better academically and socially. By law it is required that every child aged 6-17 attend school.
If you are absent…
Your parent/guardian must call school on the day of your absence. The BCMS phone number is 328-2960.
Students who miss school work because of excused or unexcused absences shall be given the opportunity to make up missed work. Students will, at the minimum, be allowed one day to make up work for each day missed. Although the school staff is obligated to facilitate the make-up work process, the prime responsibility for ensuring work is completed in a timely manner lies with the student and family. It should also be understood that there are activities and instruction that happen in the classroom that are experiential and cannot be made up, therefore students and families must accept the natural consequences for missing classes.
Pre-excused absences…
Must be approved five (5) days before the day(s) you will miss school.
Must include a note from a parent or guardian, or have his/her signature on the form.
Forms should be completed and returned to the office two days prior to the absence.
Check with your teachers regarding work to be done before, during and after your absence.
Tardiness and Chronic Absenteeism
Students perform better academically if they are in school on time and prepared for class every day. We will take attendance in PowerSchool every period. If a student arrives late to school they are required to have an office pass to enter class. A student will be considered absent for that period if they miss 20 minutes or more.
Students who are tardy 3 or more times within a week are considered habitually tardy and may be subject to disciplinary actions. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom by the time class starts.
We have a leveled system for chronic absences. Absences are considered unexcused when we are unable to determine a reason for the absence from parents. Parents should always call in to excuse their student from school when they are absent due to illness or family emergency.
Number of Absences by Period | Possible Actions |
28 Unexcused or 42 Total |
Courtesy call from School |
42 Unexcused or 56 Total | Letter sent home from school |
56 Unexcused or 70 Total | Family Meeting to develop plan |
70 Unexcused or 84 Total | Truancy Court |
Behavior Supports
As a student of BCMS you represent yourself and our school and it is expected that all students help support a positive school and classroom culture. While we want all students to make positive and healthy choices, we also understand that mistakes happen as a natural part of growing up. The purpose of our behavior support system is to ensure a safe and comfortable learning environment for ALL students and staff. We believe we can achieve this if we as a staff work with students to understand classroom and school norms, learn skills to handle conflict, learn skills to repair any harm to the community, remain consistent and utilize restorative practices that decrease negative behaviors. Our leveled discipline process is designed to help students learn from their mistakes.
BCMS Leveled Behavior System
Level I Behavior Examples: Teacher and Student work together to repair harm
Tardies- Document in PowerSchool
Dress Code Violations
Minor Class Disruptions (talking, off-task, not prepared) Student can get back on task with a warning.
Peer conflicts (arguing, name calling, rough-housing) Refer to counseling if needed
Inappropriate language not specifically directed at someone
Minor Technology Violations
Level II Behavior Examples: Administration, teacher and student work together to repair harm
Insubordination or disruption that does not prevent the teacher from continuing class effectively
Habitual offense of any Level I Behaviors
Peer conflict (pushing/shoving, shouting)
Accidental Dangerous Behaviors (Ex: horsing around that results in an injury…send to clinic if appropriate)
Theft that does not need to be immediately dealt with (item was recovered, no need for investigation)
Minor destruction/ unintentional vandalism of property
Skipping class and/or leaving campus without permission
Level III Behavior Examples: Administration, teacher, student and families work together to repair harm
Insubordination or disruption that prevents the teacher from continuing class effectively
Peer conflict resulting in a fight (punches thrown, student injured).
Bullying (on-going name calling after warnings/Level I referrals, physical intimidation, either in person or cyber- email, text, social media, phone apps)
Sending, receiving, possessing inappropriate photos
Propagating misinformation via social media*
Malicious or suspected malicious/dangerous behavior
Threatening statements involving injuring another person
Swearing directly at a staff member or another student
Tobacco violation
Theft that needs to be dealt with quickly (investigation needs to happen)
Major destruction/intentional vandalism of property
Level IV Behavior Examples: Administration follows ECSD policies/Colorado state law guidelines while working with students and families to repair harm
Suspected or verified possession/under the influence of alcohol or drugs
In possession of drug paraphernalia (Vapor pens, hookah pens, eCigarettes, pipes, bongs, rolling papers, etc)
In possession of oils used in vapor or hookah pens (nicotine, THC, flavoring)
Suspected or verified possession of a weapon or dangerous item
Level III behaviors may be eligible for suspension at administration’s discretion and also may be recorded as Detrimental Behavior. Level IV behaviors and/or 3 or more suspensions for Detrimental Behaviors may be eligible for an expulsion recommendation.
Dress Code
We want students to respect themselves and others and while we encourage individuality our dress code aims to foster a positive and healthy environment for everyone.
Allowable Clothing and Accessories
Students and staff should dress comfortably for school, while wearing clothing that is well-suited for a school environment (including specialized classes such as physical education).
Clothing must cover torso, midriff, private parts and buttocks at all times. Tops must have sleeves or straps
Clothing must cover all undergarments.
Fabric covering private parts must be opaque (non see-through).
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Non-Allowable Clothing and Accessories
Clothing may not depict, advertise or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity or sexual acts
Clothing may not use or depict hate speech or images targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected groups.
Clothing must not threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff.
No hoods up while in the building. Students may put up their hoods while outside.
No pajamas or slippers (except on designated dress down days)
Clothing must not promote any activity prohibited by the ECSC Student Code of Conduct
A violation of the dress code will require a change of clothing. Habitual violations will constitute defiance and will be subject to restorative practices to fix the problem.
Electronic Devices and Internet Usage
Cell Phone Policy
BCMS recognizes the importance of communication and collaboration, and provides devices for students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, the District has a no cell phone policy with all electronic devices other than the student’s Chromebook.
Academic Settings
Cell phones and electronic devices including smart watches and tablets shall be TURNED OFF when the morning bell rings and not turned back on until dismissal.
Cell phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and tablets, shall be kept in a student’s locker or backpack– not in clothing pockets.
Cell phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and tablets, are not allowed to be used on school grounds (inside nor outside) during school hours.
Cell phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and tablets, can be turned back on at the end of school after the bell rings and used to communicate directly with parents/friends.
Cell phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and tablets, are not allowed to be used during transition times, at lunch or between classes.
If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are to go to the office or use a classroom phone with teacher permission.
Students may not use AirPods or headphones during class, lunch or during transition times. If teachers need for students to use AirPods or other headphones during class it must be directly tied to the lesson.
Students may not use Smart Watches to message or communicate with others during the day.
While on school transportation students may use their cell phones and other electronic devices in “silent mode” provided the use of the device, as determined by the supervising staff member or bus driver, in no way disrupts, poses a safety concern or otherwise violates the School District’s Code of Conduct for Students or other parts of this policy.
Action steps for violation of the above policy:
1st Offense: Teacher confiscates device, gives it to the office as soon as possible and the student can retrieve it at the end of the day. The teacher and the student have a conversation to help prevent further violations.
2nd Offense: Teacher confiscates device, gives it to the office as soon as possible and a parent must retrieve the phone/give verbal permission to release the phone. Students will be required to have a restorative conversation about their device usage with administration.
3rd Offense: Student will be required to turn in their device to the office at the beginning of each day and may pick it up at the end of each day for as long as administration deems appropriate.
Acceptable Use
Cell phones and electronic devices, including smart watches and tablets, may not be used in a manner which is potentially unsafe, illegal, or otherwise might violate the School District’s Code of Conduct for students Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:
Using the device to create video or audio recordings of students and/or staff, without permission of the student and/or staff member;
Using the device to take photographs of students and/or staff, without permission of the student and/or staff member;
Using the device for academic dishonesty or cheating;
Using the device in any manner that disrupts the academic environment, or otherwise disrupts school activities or functions;
Using the device to send, receive or possess text or e-mail messages reasonably interpreted as indecent or sexually suggestive while at school, on school transportation, or at a school-related function;
Using the device to threaten, harass, intimidate, or bully; or
Departing a class to activate or operate such devices.
Parents may call the school office during school hours if they need to get a message to their child. If a parent needs to speak with their child, we will arrange for the student to call the parent back using an office phone.
BCMS is not responsible for any lost or stolen electronic devices. Students are encouraged to leave these items at home, but if a student chooses to bring these items to school they are responsible for them at all times.
If a unique circumstance exists warranting the need for a student to use a cell phone or personal electronic device, outside this policy, such requests shall be written into an official plan such as IEP, 504, Health Plan, ALP, or ELD plan, or submitted to the principal in writing. The Principal’s decision shall be final in any requests not included in an official plan.
If a teacher wishes for students to use their cell phones or electronic devices as part of a lesson, and the device is important to the learning, they may do so with the permission of the administrator.
Chromebook Policy
Possessing and using a District provided Chromebook is a privilege for students, and students must use and take care of Chromebooks responsibly in order to maintain this privilege. In addition to the District Acceptable Usage policy, BCMS also has the following policies:
- Damage
- If a student has a damaged or broken Chromebook, they must report it immediately to the office so it can be repaired. Depending on the type and severity of damage, a fine may or may not be assigned. While the Chromebook is out for repair, a student may check out a loaner Chrome on a class period by class period basis depending on availability. If a student damages a loaner Chrome, they will not be issued another loaner until their device is back from repair.
Teachers will provide hard copies of assignments for those students without a Chromebook. No loaner chromes are allowed to be taken home without specific teacher permission.
- Misuse/Misplacement
- Students are expected to keep their Chromebook in their possession or in their locker in order to keep the Chromebook in good working order and prevent damage. Chromebooks are not allowed at lunch/recess. If a Chrombook is found in the hallway or anywhere else in the school other than a classroom, the following action steps will be taken:
- 1st Offense: Chromebook is confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day. Student may pick up at the end of the day or in the morning.
- 2nd Offense: Chromebook is confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day. Student may pick up the next day in the morning. Families are contacted.
- 3rd Offense: Chromebook is confiscated and held in the office until the end of the day. Student must turn in their Chromebook each afternoon and pick it up from the office each morning. Student may not take the Chromebook home unless a teacher gives specific permission to do so. Families are contacted.
- Students are expected to keep their Chromebook in their possession or in their locker in order to keep the Chromebook in good working order and prevent damage. Chromebooks are not allowed at lunch/recess. If a Chrombook is found in the hallway or anywhere else in the school other than a classroom, the following action steps will be taken:
Once a misplaced Chromebook is confiscated, a student may not check out a loaner for that day. Teachers will provide hard copies of assignments for those students without a Chromebook.
Habitual (4 or more) Chromebook violations may constitute defiance and may be subject to further disciplinary actions/restorative practices to address the issue.
Internet Use
Students are expected to use the Internet and computer network in an acceptable and appropriate manner. Failure to do so can result in loss of privileges. This includes Internet usage both at school and at home when using a School Account. Student usage while on a school device or using a school account is monitored using a program called GoGuardian.
Each student is given his/her own locker and are expected to not share lockers or combinations, or exchange locks and lockers, with another student. If a student loses his/her lock, they should contact the office immediately. Replacement locks cost $10.00.
Lockers and locks are the property of Berry Creek Middle School. Only school locks are allowed on lockers unless an accommodation is required per an IEP/504. Other locks will be removed. Students are responsible for the upkeep of their locker and will be responsible for any damages. Students may be removed from their locker for any misuse and not be reassigned another locker. Because lockers are the property of the school, school personnel may search them at any time, with “reasonable suspicion” as determined by the administration, without student permission. Backpacks and other personal belongings in the locker may not be searched by school officials without student permission.
After School Activities and Athletics
After School Activities
We have a wide variety of after school activities available for students. Students must have permission to stay after school and must be with a coach, sponsor or teacher to stay after school.
- YP365 PwrHrs- Please sign-up online or see Ms. Cooperrider for a permission slip
- Study Club
- Girls and Boys Club
- Soccer
- Walking Mountains STEM Leadership- Please see Mr. Clark for details
- Green Team- Please see Mr. Clark for details
Each sport costs $35 and students must have an active physical (within the calendar year) on file in order to participate. BCMS offers the following school sports. Please see Mr. Huck, our Athletic Director, for details and/or check out our Activities and Athletics page on our website.
Cross Country
Girls Volleyball
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Athletic Eligibility and Academic Probation
Students earning a 2.0 or higher will be considered in good academic standing and eligible to participate in sports and other after-school activities and clubs. 8th graders failing 4 or more classes over the course of their 8th grade year, will not be eligible to participate in the Continuation Ceremony.
Students earning two 1.5’s or lower in any classes will be on Academic Probation for one week (Monday-Sunday). Students will be encouraged to participate in any academic support opportunities as directed by staff (lunch bunch, study club, goal setting, tutoring, etc.)
Student athletes who are on Academic Probation may work with their teachers and coaches in order to participate in practices but must complete the following requirements and completely and accurately fill out the Eligibility Appeal form in order to be eligible for participation.
Complete all eligible missing work and receive teachers’ signatures indicating completion
Revise any assessment or assignments
Attend the Academic Probation goal setting sessions and make plans as to how you will demonstrate you learning
Attend at least one Study Club when in session or meet with your teacher to discuss your learning
AI Agreements
ECSD Student AI Agreements
The agreement statements below align with Guiding Principles of AI Use in ECSD and provide guidelines of acceptable use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) by students in ECSD.
Students and staff will use AI tools responsibly, ethically, and in alignment with school rules and district policies. Creating or sharing harmful, misleading, or inappropriate content violates district policies.
Students and staff will not enter personal, sensitive, or confidential data into any AI tool, including any student identifiable data related to education records.
Students and staff will critically evaluate AI-generated content for potential inaccuracies, persuasive tone, and bias. It is vital to understand the limitations of AI and the importance of cross-referencing with factual sources.
Students will follow staff instructions on when and how to use AI on an assignment and will check with the instructor when unsure.
Students will follow staff instructions for appropriately disclosing and/or citing AI-generated content. AI is not a substitute for original thought, and students will not claim AI-generated content as their own work.
ECSD Staff AI Agreements
The agreement statements below align with Guiding Principles of AI Use in ECSD and provide guidelines of acceptable use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) by staff members of ECSD.
Students and staff will use AI tools responsibly, ethically, and in alignment with school rules and district policies. Creating or sharing harmful, misleading, or inappropriate content violates district policies.
Students and staff will not enter personal, sensitive, or confidential data into any AI tool, including any student identifiable data related to education records.
Students and staff will critically evaluate AI-generated content for potential inaccuracies, persuasive tone, and bias. It is vital to understand the limitations of AI and the importance of cross-referencing with factual sources.
Technologies that claim to detect AI-generated content are not sufficiently reliable in determining cheating and plagiarism. While some staff may use such tools, it is required that they also have a dialogue with the student in cases where plagiarism is suspected.